Friday, October 24, 2008


Hey you guy's its Sp33n

As of recent time's I have been becoming more and more upset with how JADED I have become.

With all of my hobbies, I have somehow become an elitist Douche-bag.

a few years back I could listen to a band, Read a Manga, Play a Video game,Watch an anime.... just for the sake of doing it.

Because I was a music/manga/videogame/anime NERD!

but as of recent times, I have realized I have set this "almost" unattainable bar for these things.

so to fix it I have been doing what Everyone says NOT to do, and I have been choosing new things to listen to/read/play/watch based on nothing more than it catching my eye.

(literally reading a book cause of its cover)

I started reading Dragon Drive

A Manga I have always looked at but thought -eeh this seems just like another digimon/pokemon wannabe- but I was wrong... it has a good story, interesting characters, and cute shotas....I mean dragons >_>;;;

If you are bored and want to get away from the ol' myspace update buttton click the link below to read it online!!!!

http://www. onemanga. com/Dragon_Drive/1/

into any hobbies/ video games/ cool stuff?

tell me about it, gimme a synopsis, tell me the rules, tell me anything!!!

I'm open to learn and try cool new stuff.

If you are thinking about telling me something TELL ME!!!!

If you play street fighter 3 3rd strike/ or guilty gear/ or samurai showdown 5

tell me... we will play at a show!

I'm not too great at those games.... but I "think" I can hold my own

<33333333333333 SP33n

Friday, June 27, 2008


So we haven't updated in a bit.

but here I go.

we got to play 2 shows....well 1 technically with "The Lives of Famous Men"

and they are fantastic, be sure to check them out.

its too bad both shows were kind of disappointing.... not because of the bands.

1 show had literally 0 kids turn out... and the other we didn't get to play due to time restraints of the club... and some other stuff.

but on that note I have 2 thing's to say.

1. STOP GETTING DRUNK AND TRYING TO RAPE GIRLS... AND THEN GETTING IN FIGHTS! (this should go without asking... I mean c'mon.)

and 2. Guns.... I mean really... if you need to bring a gun to a show to feel safe... or cool.

stay home.

no one likes being around them.

ok, now that that is said and done.





-click the pics above and go hang out with us-

so yeah.

we should be going back into the studio sometime next week HOPEFULLY!

and then we can give you guys some new recordings.



<3 Sp33n

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I, Spencer, was brewing some doo-doo coffee for like an hour earlier.

I then proceeded to "pour" this coffee into the toilet.

So in honor of that HUGE DUMP i just took....

Here is a big dump of things off our myspace...


-Blunt Flavored Head Trauma + Swimming lessons (won't help when you are drowning in your own blood)

here is the video that WAS on it

And here is a video of our most recent Raleigh show

Thanks for lookin'!!!

<3 sp33n

Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday the 13th


Well, maybe not. Actually, it probably doesn't mean anything, but what fun is that?!

So, HAPPY FRIDAY THE 13th! Don't get cut up into little pieces or eaten alive. :]


Thursday, June 12, 2008

New Shirt Design :sp33n

For those of you who care.

We got a T shirt designed by one of my favorite Deviant-artists

Go here to check out the Shirt.

Shirt Design

We will be ordering it within the month Hopefully

comment the pic if you have an account!

comment us and tell us what you think!

The story behind the picture is:

Me, Travis and some friends were at his mom's sunday school classroom, and saw a cast list on the wall for a childrens church play and all seemed normal. the characters in the play all sounded normal except 1.

there was a john, a susan, a billy, and.... a ROBO-SCARECROW!

so it got us thinkin' and we made up this whole backstory to robo-scarecrow.

He is the leader of a Streetgang, who exists solely to BREAK YOUR FACE!

Go check him out on the shirt design above!

<3 sp33n

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

What to expect.

Alright, so its me sp33n, and I thought since this WAS my idea I would make a post explaining what I would LIKE to see done with this blog.

well, this blog exists for you to get a cool little insight into our lives... as a band, and people.

so from me you should expect the following things:

misspellings, misplaced apostrophes, and bad grammar.

also expect to hear about:

how shows go

how recording is going

new merch designs

new merch ideas

silly things that happen to us

silly things we see on the internet

new bands we think RULE!!!

a mixtape or 2 to download

some silly video's we make

video games we play

etc etc etc.

So on that note



Well snap, we're bloggin'.

Last night, or rather, early this morning, Spencer said "Hey, we should make a blog. That'd be a great idea!" and I was all "Yeah, cool, neato, let's do it."

So here we are!

This is where you will find any sort of updates regarding things concerning band activities and other nonsense regarding us. Honestly, we'll probably post a whole lot of useless crap here, but if you wade through the mess of our boredom, I assure you that you'll find something at least slightly informative. (Well, hopefully.)

I might as well start this little blog thingy off with a quick update regarding what's going on in the world of Fastest Kid.

To sum it all up in three words, WE ARE BROKE.
Broker than ever, actually.
We're currently "in the studio," but we won't even be able to finish our currently untitled EP until we somehow come up a decent amount of money.
For a little bit of insider info, the drums are DONE! But, that's all. Seven tracks. Some old, some new (well, new if you haven't seen us live lately).
Once we make some dollars, we can actually go in and record guitars and such, followed by bass and vocals and then maybe, just MAYBE, we'll press it and release it for your listening pleasure.

Other than recording, we have a quick, regional tour in the works for mid-late July, so we'll hopefully be seeing some of you then!

Last, but certainly not least, we're trying to get back into the swing of writing so we don't have some huge gap between an EP and a full-length. Besides, our heads are somewhere else musically now that we've been playing together for the past two years and have all matured as people and musicians. Times change and so do musical directions, but we're hoping you'll all be pleased with the end results.

To end this with a little cry for help, PLEASE BUY MERCH.
Click there! Buy a shirt! (or two. OR TWELVE!)
If you don't want to buy one online, check out our MySpace and make your way out to one of our upcoming shows!

We love you!
-Travis (a bear is nice, too)